Saturday, January 17, 2009

Orientation Quiz

Kathleen M. Freeman
CIOS 108
Orientation Quiz
January 17, 2009

A. I am alive and reasonably healthy.

B. My specific goals are to learn more about color, how color complements and contrasts can affect the way people view the world around them, how colors can be effectively used in photography.

C. Learning how to navigate Adobe Photoshop was fun. I have always enjoyed photography but working in the chemical darkroom was not an option anymore, and Photoshop gave me another opportunity to fiddle around with photography.

D. I use a PC. I have always used a PC, although I am aware that many artists like the Mac better.

E. I am fairly comfortable with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fireworks.

F. It is warmer than it has been in the past few weeks, and the days are getting longer. Yea!

G. I plan to use what I learn to take better photographs.

H. I hope to have clearly defined and meaningful assignments.

I. Do the assignments in a timely manner.

J. I am always looking at the scenery around me trying to visualize how I might capture it with my camera lens.

K. Milton Glaser is a graphic designer who created the “I Love New York” logo. Paul Bass was also a well known graphic designer and filmmaker animator.

L. The only scanner to which I have access is a scanner that is part of the HP ‘All in One’ printer, scanner, fax, and copier machine.

M. Adobe Creative Suite 4.