Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hierarchal Progression

This was a hard one to figure out. It is getting kind of busy finishing up classes. Spring is also springing, and it is harder to focus when the weather is warming up.
My project was to focus on three attributes of God. Since God is associated with the eternal and mysterious I used blue as my main color. The background is actually a photograph of some waves rolling onto the beach. I took the photograph and gave it some serious texture as stain glass using Adobe Photoshop. I used only three panes of glass to symbolize the triune God or the three persons in one God. The typeface is Abigail regular, one that I found while processing my typeface in Corel Painter 11. It has a flowing circular design, which can intimate the eternal, because of the circular pattern. The background is the same on all five compositions, as is the typeface, which symbolizes the oneness of the nature of God. Overall my goal was to give a small meditation on the mystery of the Blessed Trinity.