Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blog Chat Chapter 2 Doings

Kathleen M. Freeman
CIOS 108
Blog Chapter 2
The four words

For my four words, basically I just used a different font for the each word. For the word Sludge I used the typeface Livingwell. Then I used the warp text tool to squeeze the word horizontally about -50%. The typeface gave the word a heavy sluggish look and the little splash of black around the text which is part of the typeface added a little texture.

For the word Ornate I used the typeface Bickham Script Pro. I tried using the warp text tool for the word, but it did not add any distinction to the word. So the typeface is the only modification.

For the word Stodgy, I used the typeface Rosewood Standard to modify the word. I think this typeface made the word look heavy and uninspiring or dull, which is essentially what stodgy means.

The word Crush was more fun to work with. I used the typeface Eccentric Standard, which provided the thin text. Then I used the text warp tool and squeezed the word vertically to visually crush the word. This is the word that I used as my theme for my other project.

For the one word project, I incorporated the textually modified word crush into a design that showed a pop or soda can in the process of being crushed. The point of the design was to address the idea of recycling. The original pop can was traced in Adobe Photoshop from a can I found on a free image source site on the internet. I took that image and transformed and skewed the can to demonstrate two more images of the can in the process of being crushed. There is conflict between the horizontal direction the text ‘Crush that can’ goes and the vertical direction the cans are actually being crushed. The image flows from left to right as the viewer follows the can as it is being flattened. Then the viewer’s eyes can drop down to the text ‘Don’t trash it’ with an image of a dumpster in the background behind the letterform X which generally can be interpreted as a warning to stay away or don’t put the empty can here. The viewer can then follow the imaginary circle back to the left and see the text ‘Recycle it’ and an image of a disposal bin into which to put the aluminum can. In the background is the text ‘Recycle’ repeated several times in an attenuated manner accomplished by lowering the fill level of the text layer. This gives the design a little depth or texture.

To improve the image I would find a different typeface that would still be readable on the various images of the can as it is being crushed. The text, particularly on the flattest can is almost unreadable. The layout of the image is a little too square and the negative space is too empty. Three out of the four corners are the same. The message does not flow well. It is a start is all I can say.

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