Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hierarchal Progression

This was a hard one to figure out. It is getting kind of busy finishing up classes. Spring is also springing, and it is harder to focus when the weather is warming up.
My project was to focus on three attributes of God. Since God is associated with the eternal and mysterious I used blue as my main color. The background is actually a photograph of some waves rolling onto the beach. I took the photograph and gave it some serious texture as stain glass using Adobe Photoshop. I used only three panes of glass to symbolize the triune God or the three persons in one God. The typeface is Abigail regular, one that I found while processing my typeface in Corel Painter 11. It has a flowing circular design, which can intimate the eternal, because of the circular pattern. The background is the same on all five compositions, as is the typeface, which symbolizes the oneness of the nature of God. Overall my goal was to give a small meditation on the mystery of the Blessed Trinity.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chapter 5 LetterForms

For this assignment, I used three different typefaces: Letter Gothic, Comic Sans MS,
and Heavy Heap. All three were available in Adobe Photoshop, which I used for my assignment. The top row is all done in Letter Gothic with some liberal use of the Warp Text tool. The letter ‘m’ and ‘w’ are the same typeface in all three lines, in fact, in the second row the letter ‘w’ is actually the letter ‘m’ rotated 180 degrees. This gives the design piece a little continuity. The alternating black and gray blocks also adds some unity to the image, as well as giving it some contrast with the checkerboard effect. The third row corners make use of the typeface Heavy Heap. The directions to this assignment were rather complicated to understand, and my skills using different typefaces are limited to say the least. If there is one thing I learned from this assignment, it is that typeface usage can be a very powerful tool in the graphic designer’s toolbar.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapter 5 Contrast Studies

Kathleen M. Freeman
CIOS 108
Chapter 5-Contrast Studies

For my contrast study I chose monumental/diminutive. I used lines and triangular shapes for the design elements; and colored the triangles with blue and yellow, complementary colors from the additive color system, a color system used for computer imaging. The reason for using contrasting elements is to draw attention to the main element in the design or the focal point that displays the main concept to the viewer. There is no particular message in these designs. This study only demonstrates how size effects emphasizing the focal point of the design piece. I tried two different comparisons, one with the odd sized element in the center of each image, and one with the odd size element off to one side. In my opinion, both comparisons demonstrated that big is better, at least for these images. But I believe the one big element with the small elements around the big element was more effective than was the little element surrounded by all the big elements.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Assignment 4B

Below are two pictures for Assignment 4B, which was about Color and Season and using a triadic color scheme.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Color and Season

For my Season I chose Fall or Autumn. Triadic color schemes usually include two similar colors, which in my case are red and orange, fall colors especially if you live in New England. The third color of the triadic scheme is usually a contrasting color, which for red and orange is in the blue to green area of the color wheel.
For this assignment I used my miniature billiard balls, colored paper, and crayons. I processed the photos in Adobe Photoshop. with a bit of selecting and paint bucket I enriched or heightened the intensity of the hues of the colored paper, since the colored paper was very pale. After fixing the colored paper, I used some filters to give the pictures a watercolor effect and then used the liquefy effect to make the colored paper look like leaves. the billiard balls and crayons added a surreal effect to the pictures, plus gave the photos some depth. However the crayons changed color when I uploaded them to the blog page.

Assignment 4A

This was a challenging assignment. I love taking photographs, but graphic design is not my forte.