Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chapter 5 LetterForms

For this assignment, I used three different typefaces: Letter Gothic, Comic Sans MS,
and Heavy Heap. All three were available in Adobe Photoshop, which I used for my assignment. The top row is all done in Letter Gothic with some liberal use of the Warp Text tool. The letter ‘m’ and ‘w’ are the same typeface in all three lines, in fact, in the second row the letter ‘w’ is actually the letter ‘m’ rotated 180 degrees. This gives the design piece a little continuity. The alternating black and gray blocks also adds some unity to the image, as well as giving it some contrast with the checkerboard effect. The third row corners make use of the typeface Heavy Heap. The directions to this assignment were rather complicated to understand, and my skills using different typefaces are limited to say the least. If there is one thing I learned from this assignment, it is that typeface usage can be a very powerful tool in the graphic designer’s toolbar.

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