Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapter 5 Contrast Studies

Kathleen M. Freeman
CIOS 108
Chapter 5-Contrast Studies

For my contrast study I chose monumental/diminutive. I used lines and triangular shapes for the design elements; and colored the triangles with blue and yellow, complementary colors from the additive color system, a color system used for computer imaging. The reason for using contrasting elements is to draw attention to the main element in the design or the focal point that displays the main concept to the viewer. There is no particular message in these designs. This study only demonstrates how size effects emphasizing the focal point of the design piece. I tried two different comparisons, one with the odd sized element in the center of each image, and one with the odd size element off to one side. In my opinion, both comparisons demonstrated that big is better, at least for these images. But I believe the one big element with the small elements around the big element was more effective than was the little element surrounded by all the big elements.

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